Religion is opium for the people
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Religion is opium for the people May 29, 2019
Supposedly this statement comes from Lenin, and supposedly he also said that religions are to blame for all the misery in the world.
So far I have to agree with him. Unless he was born again of God's Spirit, he was bound to stand by that view. He was like a tree without roots. In his environment he saw and recognized only people who suffered from the misery caused by the world religions.
Not a single one of the world religions can help. They only block the way to the true God and Creator of the whole world. Unfortunately, I also have to include today's Christianity.
We have not experienced the God of the Bible for centuries.
But before I describe "my point of view", I have to clarify a few things.
I confessed to a pastor that I think many Christian songs are cheesy. It seems to me that we wanted to sing the dear Savior from the sky, to rock him a little on our knees.
• The intimate relationship with Jesus, as it is described, which immediately fills us with great joy and peace, I experience so not.
• I do not know the insatiable urge to read in the Word of God.
• The clear, unambiguous and visible guidance of the Holy Spirit, which makes everything I do successful , I experience so not.
• The great, heartfelt love for Jesus seems abstract to me.
• I do not experience the inexhaustible power for the service in the kingdom of God.
Everything is a logical decision for me. I just want to live my life in harmony with my Creator and be in His service. I never want to make this dependent on any feelings.
Before you say that I put all the churches in the same pot, please check my statements before God without prejudice.
Here is my point of view
Even in the Free Churches we are fogged and dizzy by the "Opium of Lenin".
We are told You are born of God's Spirit! You have this resurrection power! Claim them, you have the right. Go out and announce the Good News. Be witnesses of Jesus. Does not run around all day with a grouchy face. What a miserable impression of a Christian you make in the world!
Here, the horse is clearly bridged by the tail. If we are miserable Christians, we can not just put on a happy, radiant face - that's hypocrisy. We will never succeed in overcoming our sins "camouflaged as weaknesses". To cover up this lack, we sing, cheer and many "copy and paste" prayers get us in the mood.
Jesus commanded us to go out into the world and preach the gospel to all creatures. But we fly around the world, even though we had to be evangelized by our "target group".But do we still witness our faith in everydays life? Are we still telling people what this "good news" means - that every person is sinful before God, but when he accepts this and asks forgiveness that he does not end up in eternal damnation?
- Do we still have the courage to speak to people in public and, if necessary, to deliver a testimony with a clear message?
• Are we still willing to put up with disadvantages in everyday life and work when it comes to being faithful to God?
• How exactly do we deal with the truth?
• How do we use our money and everything God gives us?
• Are we willing to suffer rejection, or even persecution?
Woe to us if we are stunned by the "opium of the pious religion", do not take this order seriously!
Woe to us if we try to fulfill this mission with the "Opium of the simulated resurrection power".
Now I wish that these words in the first place hit me and change myself. So that the log can be removed from my eye and maybe even enabled me to remove a splinter from the eye of a fellow human being.